
Lawyer? Vincentian? Vincentian Lawyers!

A National Association of Vincentian Lawyers already exists in Peru. And others are springing up in other Latin American countries. Many hope to form an International Association of Vincentian Lawyers.

“Rescue the poor and helpless from the grasp of evil…” Psalm 82, V. 4

Pope Francis has said that, “Human trafficking is the most extensive form of slavery in this twenty-first century!”

A Vincentian View: Joseph 2.0

All of us have probably seen a representation of that statue that sits on the desk of Pope Francis—the sleeping Joseph. 

Flying Geese, Fighter Pilots and Ministry

The next time you watch a flock of geese, pause for a moment — think about what they can teach us about ministry in general and, especially, “long-haul” ministries of systemic change.

A Vincentian View: Peace Be With You

A Vincentian View: Peace Be With You

Vincentian View: “Peace be with you” If you have gotten messages from me, you will see that I most often finish my notes with “Peace” or “Peace in the Risen Lord” or some such variation on “peace.”  Many people may feel that it is a left over from my hippie-days and...

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