
Advent from a Vincentian Perspective, Part 5: Advent: A Time for Conversion and Solidarity with the Poor

For Vincentians, this time is particularly significant, as it invites personal conversion and a renewed commitment to justice and solidarity with the poor.

Advent Presentation – A Time of Hope and Renewal

Advent Reflection for the Vincentian Family by Fr. G. Gregory Gay, C.M., former Superior General.

Contemplation: A Fine Soul

Blessed Frédéric and his wife Amélie Soulacroix exemplified a deep, shared holiness that enriched their lives and inspired their service to the poor through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Their marriage, built on faith, mutual encouragement, and love, not only strengthened Frédéric in his vocation but also fostered Amélie’s Vincentian spirit, as they worked together to bring comfort and relief to those in need.

How Long Until Christmas?

I suspect many of our parents remember how often we asked the question. “How how long until Christmas”? I remember I could hardly wait for the gifts!

Right on target?

Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 2014 – Acts 12, 1-11; 2 Tim 4, 6-8. 17-18; Mt 16, 13-19 To him be glory forever and ever! (2 Tim 4, 18) We get it right if we confess that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. But just like the one who got it right first, we...

Depoliticizing “E pluribus unum”

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (A), June 22, 2014 – Dt 8, 2-3. 14b-16a; 1 Cor 10, 16-17; Jn 6, 51-58 The loaf of bread is one, so we are one body (1 Cor 10, 17) God feeds us while we pilgrims march through the desert toward the lasting city. Unless we are...