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Our God is Rich in Mercy: What does that Mean for the Missionary?

Let us consider the implications for the missionary of a God who is “rich in mercy.”

Ladies of Charity Advocacy: Election 2020, Resources from

Ladies of Charity USA Advocacy Committee shares two more resources for your consideration.

Visit to the Tomb of Frederic Ozanam (video)

Visit the tomb of Frederic Ozanam in this video from VinFlix. Commentary by Fr. Joseph Agostino, C.M.

A Reflection on Recent Events in Our Country

Michael Thompson, Bowie, MD, an affiliate of the Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise, USA offers his personal reflections on recent events in our country.

All eyes and ears

To set before you an ideal (1 Cor 7, 35) Jesus is the great prophet God raised up from among us at the coming of the time of fulfillment. He teaches with God’s authority. God acknowledges that we are right, those of us who do not want to die listening to his words...