
Vincentian Eyes (Luke 12)

An often-cited quote from Dale Carnegie: “Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw the mud, the other saw stars.”

What Jesus Saw In the Temple

Jesus is doing what he always does in the gospels. What catches his eye and draws his heart are those in most need: those who need forgiveness. Jesus sees the widow.

Contemplation: To Be Vincentian

The Essential Elements of the Society—Spirituality, Friendship, and Service—are equal, inseparable, and essential to its identity, as they unite members in a shared mission of faith-driven charitable action.

Defeat Is Triumph; To Die Is to Live

Jesus empties himself and humbly obeys, to the shameful death on the cross. So, God lifts him up, fills him with glory. Through him, with him and in him, defeat is triumph. 

Counsel for An Anxious Time

Counsel for An Anxious Time

Counsel for An Anxious Time (Lk. 17:20-25) All through Luke’s gospel, the underlying movement is towards Jerusalem. From the beginning that’s where Jesus is heading, and as He gets closer the pace picks up and the tensions rise. This is not only because of the...

The Things They Carry

The Things They Carry

At some point in your life, you have probably been asked the question, "If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you?" Now, imagine it is not a desert island and it is only one thing. And that one thing is what helps carry you...