
A “We” Virus?

A million refugees, no refugee camps: Poles open their homes to Ukrainians (Crux)…The headline immediately caught my attention – especially since the reality as I write has swelled to more like two million.

Lenten Video Series, Day 14: Joy of Friendship

In the Summer of 1958, Jack McErlean discovered the joy of honor, the joy of faith, and the joy of friendship, through the sacrifice and hardship of military service.

Have You Ever Thought About These Issues?

Did you ever think about these issues homeless people face? The following four headlines caught my eye during the past month.

Lenten Video Series, Day 13: Cast Away

Daughter of Charity, Sister Michelle Nguyen shares her harrowing story of her escape from Vietnam, and how her near-death sacrifice brought her closer to Christ than she ever thought possible.

Acting For Equality — in Faith

Acting For Equality — in Faith

Acting For Equality -- in Faith (2 Corinthians 8:13; Mk 5: 25-34) If you’re looking for a topical subject in the Scriptures, you wouldn’t have to go much further than the one Paul brings up in a request to the Corinthians. He’s asking them to help their poorer...

Wanted Very Urgently Indeed: Prophets

Wanted Very Urgently Indeed: Prophets

Jesus is the definitive answer to the prayers of those who bemoan that there are no prophets.  That is how wanted prophets are. That prophets are that wanted is clear in the lament, “Now we see no signs, we have no prophets.”  We read something like it in Lam 2, 9. ...