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Congregation of the Mission

Devotion to St. Justin de Jacobis in Eritrea and Ethiopia

St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M. (feast day: July 30) faced and overcame many challenges and hardships. His humility, goodness, and charity inspired vocations to the priesthood and converted many others in 19th century Abyssinia.

July 26: Arrival of Felix de Andreis, C.M., Joseph Rosati, C.M., and companions in the U.S.

They sailed to Baltimore, MD, primarily to establish a seminary in the Louisiana territory.

Film Documentary on Pedro Opeka, CM

A very skilled film-maker has submitted a documentary on Pedro Opeka’s work in Madagascar.

“He Saw, Was Compassionate, and Cared for Him.”

During this time of the pandemic the question arises: how can we best be neighbor to others?

Serious conversation?

"Communications is not "the transmission of content" but rather "the reduction of distance." Pope Francis. These word of Pope Francis came to mind  when reading "Serious Conversation? byTim Williams CM, Provincial Director of the Daughters of Charity in Australia. The...