.famvin TEAM
The Vincentian Family is Present at the UN
As a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul team, I’d like to say a few words about our part of this important family journey. The Vincentians in NYC recently hosted our new President General, Renato Lima de Oliveira, the 16th President General of the Society of...
Purpose and Spirit of the Congregation of the Mission • A Weekly Reflection with Louise
“That the principal end of the Association be knowledge of oneself and contempt for the things of the world, practiced by the resolution to serve the Parishes, in submission and obedience to the Pastors, while renouncing all benefices and honors. In the design of...
Volunteers of Charity (AIC) • A Weekly Reflection with Louise
“Divine Providence willed to make use of women to show that it was His goodness alone which desired to aid afflicted peoples and to bring them powerful helps for their salvation. [...] The Ladies of the Company of Charity recognized the needs of the poor and that God...
Tolerate One Another, in Family and Community • A Weekly Reflection with Louise
“I thought you were above these small weaknesses. Do we think, my dear Sister, that we should never be contradicted? Do we think that everyone must give in to our wishes, and that they are obliged to find everything we do and say good? Is this not against the...
“Dream Dreams” prayer service
The wording of this prayer service was originally used at a Vincentian Family Gathering with Fr. Gregory Gay at the conclusion of his visitation with Vincentians of the Eastern Province, U.S.A. It is about dreaming... of expanding our vision, of increased...
Epiphany or Manifestation of Jesus to All Nations. The Three Wise Men • A weekly reflection with Louise
“We may also offer them at the Crib in place of the gifts of the Three Kings: almsgiving for gold, fasting for myrrh and prayer for incense. Likewise, we may present them to the Blessed Trinity: prayer to the Father, fasting to the Son and almsgiving to the Holy...
#famvin400 #AIC400 Resources and Conversations
We begin the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of our charism! Are you ready? We invite you to review what has been published on famvin so far: Bookmark these links English: http://famvin.org/en/2016/05/15/plan-song-images-400th-anniversary-vincentian-charism/...
Louise de Marillac: The Poor are also in the Cities
“I must tell you, my dear Sisters, what a consolation it is for me to see you living in your cloister on this journey as you did in the streets of Paris. [...] Above all, since those people are not familiar with your poor way of life and your humble dwelling, do not...
How to Build a Wall: A Nativity Story
Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams. Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov Three days after Donald Trump won the election, there was an outpouring of love encircling him. It came from a surprising source: a women’s prison. Yes...
John E. Rybolt, C.M. Receives Pierre Coste Award
Rev. John E. Rybolt, C.M. was honored December 12 when he received the Vincentian Studies Institute’s Pierre Coste Award. Fr. Rybolt, who was ordained in 1967, is a Vincentian scholar-in-residence at DePaul University. He will receive the honor in part for his...