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“Dream Dreams” prayer service

“Dream Dreams” prayer service

The wording of this prayer service was originally used at a Vincentian Family Gathering with Fr. Gregory Gay at the conclusion of his visitation with Vincentians of the Eastern Province, U.S.A. It is about dreaming... of expanding our vision, of increased...

#famvin400 #AIC400 Resources and Conversations

#famvin400 #AIC400 Resources and Conversations

We begin the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of our charism! Are you ready? We invite you to review what has been published on famvin so far: Bookmark these links English:

How to Build a Wall: A Nativity Story

How to Build a Wall: A Nativity Story

Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams. Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov Three days after Donald Trump won the election, there was an outpouring of love encircling him. It came from a surprising source: a women’s prison. Yes...