.famvin TEAM

Firewood for the Soul: The Smallest of Seeds
A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

Sustainable Living and Lessons from the Past
The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth reflect on past sustainable living practices, particularly during the Great Depression, sharing how frugality, resourcefulness, and community support can guide us in addressing today’s ecological challenges.

Pope Francis Released the Final Document of the Synod on Synodality as a Guide for the Church’s Mission
Pope Francis announced that he will not issue a post-synodal exhortation, making the Final Document available to the People of God as a sufficient guide for the pastoral and synodal mission of the Church. This decision highlights the importance of the active participation of local communities and the value of the synodal process lived.

Too Close to Home: One Donor Shares his Story
Mike Devereaux, whose son experienced homelessness and substance abuse, uses his personal struggles to shape his commitment as a monthly donor and volunteer for St. Vincent de Paul Louisville, believing that giving back is crucial to making a difference.

The Second Vincentian Family Convocation is Just Around the Corner and There is Still Time to Sign Up #famvin2024
The Second Convocation of the Vincentian Family in Rome (November 14-17) will bring together Vincentians from around the world to reflect on their mission to serve those most in need and address current challenges, such as inequality, humanitarian crises and Pope Francis’ call for a more synodal Church, closer to the poor.

Conclusion of Two Masters Programs in Vincentian Studies
“May the time and energies you have devoted to achieving this goal encourage you to share your experience with others, to be agents of the Vincentian animation in your groups, associations and communities, and to live in fullness the richness of our charism and spirituality” (Fr. Tomaž Mavrič).

“Hands for prayer”: The Prayer of the Poor Rises Up to God
The prayer of the poor is a cry that rises up to God, inviting the Church to join in, recognize the dignity of the poor, and, through Vincentian spirituality, respond to their physical and spiritual needs.

How to Make Charity more Effective, from the Perspective of the Poor?
In the spiritual and charitable journey of Vincentians, we are constantly called to be not only “hands that offer help”, but “hearts that understand”, “eyes that see” and “ears that listen”. Charity, to be truly effective, must start from the point of view of those who receive it: the poor and those on the margins of society.

Pope Francis Releases the Encyclical “Dilexit nos,” Quoting St. Vincent de Paul Three Times
On October 24, Pope Francis has released his fourth encyclical, entitled Dilexit nos (“He Loved Us”), inviting the whole Church to rediscover the centrality of Christ’s love expressed in the Sacred Heart, and God’s unconditional love for humanity through the mystery of the Heart of Christ.

Synodality In The Vincentian Charism – Part Three (Final Part)
This research is the Master’s Thesis of the “Masters in Vincentian Studies” program of Sister María Isabel Vergara Arnedillo, current Visitatrix of the Spain-East Province of the Daughters of Charity.