- Advent Letter 2024 by Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CMSaint Vincent de Paul taught that life should be a constant prayer, uniting the human heart with that of Jesus.
2 months ago - The “Public Relations” Plan of the Early ChurchJesus did not establish the church as an institution with a slick “Public Relations” plan. He started a movement that developed into the early church.
2 months ago - Advent from a Vincentian Perspective, Part 1: Active Waiting and Christian HopeThis season invites us to step into a space of "active waiting"— a term that encapsulates the dual call to watchfulness and action.
2 months ago - The Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy: A Journey of Compassion, Service, and Community #famvin2024The Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy (CMM) are a religious congregation founded in the 19th century, dedicated to living out God's mercy through education, social care, and community service, inspired by the examples of Jesus, Mary, and St. Vincent de
4 months ago - Webinar on “Understanding Safeguarding and How it Applies to our Work in the Vincentian Family”, November 4Please join us for our upcoming webinar. The session will aim to develop our understanding of terms like “safeguarding” – what does it mean? How we can take a practical approach to making our projects safe for the people that we serve?
4 months ago - Summer camp “Put u život”Summer camp “Put u život” is the first Livan camp for people with disabilities.
4 months ago - Firewood for the Soul: The Storms of our LivesA weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.
4 months ago - A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Thoughts 02Fr. Rooney reflects on the small ways of remembering that we are Vincentians.
4 months ago - 20th Anniversary of the Society of Saint Vincent Paul in Cambodia (2004-2024)On September 21, 2024, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Cambodia gathered in Phnom Penh to celebrate its 20 years of history.
4 months ago - The Countdown Begins: Less Than a Month Until We Meet in Rome #famvin2024Time is ticking, and we’re less than a month away from the long-awaited Second International Gathering of the Vincentian Family, which will take place in Rome from November 14-17, 2024.
4 months ago - The Heart of a Vincentian 09 #famvin2024“The Heart of a Vincentian - Coming Soon November 2024” by Sr. Elisabeth Halbmann, Superior General, Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul of Untermarchtal.
4 months ago - Not Only Giving Alms to the Poor • A Weekly Reflection with OzanamAlmsgiving alone, alms that are not accompanied by words and love, is a humiliation for the one who receives it. Do we need to remember that man does not live by bread alone, that the Savior himself does not only ask to be clothed and fed in the person of
4 months ago - "Letter of St. Jeanne Antide Thouret" to the Vincentian Family, on the occasion of the Second Convocation in Rome, November 14-17 #famvin2024Can you imagine what St. Jeanne Antide Thouret would say to us if she were to write a letter to the members of the Vincentian Family today? This is a literary exercise, but perhaps it could be something like this.
4 months ago - Blessed Contardo Ferrini, Member of SSVP (Video)Blessed Contardo Ferrini gained recognition in the field of ancient Roman law, while leading a life of prayer and service to those in need.
4 months ago - The Rosalie Projects: Children of CourageManaged by the Daughters of Charity, the Marillac Center takes in young people abandoned to their fate and wandering the streets of Port Harcourt (Nigeria).
4 months ago - 180th Anniversary of the Brothers CMM: A Celebration of History, Courage and BrotherhoodThe Dutch Province of the Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy celebrated the Congregation's 180th anniversary with a simple yet meaningful gathering, reflecting on their history of challenges and successes, and highlighting the courage and international
4 months ago - Synodality In The Vincentian Charism - Part TwoThis research is the Master's Thesis of the “Masters in Vincentian Studies” program of Sister María Isabel Vergara Arnedillo, current Visitatrix of the Spain-East Province of the Daughters of Charity.
4 months ago - On October 17 we celebrate the Feast of Blessed Contardo Ferrini, a Member of the SSVPContardo Ferrini was an outstanding figure in the fields of legal science and Catholic holiness, as well as a faithful servant of those in need as a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
4 months ago - Children And The Kingdom (Matthew 19:14)Jesus’ frequent mention of children can shed light on the nature of this Kingdom He speaks about, the Kingdom of his dear Father.
4 months ago - October: two very Important United Nations dates for the Vincentian CommunityOctober brings us, vincentians, two very important dates established by the United Nations (UN): World Food Day on October 16 and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17.
4 months ago - Biblical Gotchas and CoverupsThey were comfortable… until they were told a story. Then they learned an uncomfortable truth. The person in the story out there hid in their own heart.
4 months ago - Contemplation: A Communion of VincentiansYou cannot be a Vincentian without other Vincentians, for we grow in holiness together.
4 months ago - Mysteries of Joy, Light, Sorrow, GloryJesus is the greatest mystery of all the mysteries God makes known to those who are like children and hides from the wise and the learned. Jesus’ predictions of his passion, death and resurrection are “mysteries,” so to speak, to them. That is to say, th
4 months ago - The Brothers of Charity: Two Centuries of Service to the Most Vulnerable #famvin2024The Brothers of Charity are a religious congregation founded in 1807 by the Belgian priest Pierre-Joseph Triest, well known for their commitment to the most vulnerable in society.
4 months ago - Operation Overhaul 2024Vincentian Marian Youth Southeast Missouri (SEMO) leads an annual mission trip called Operation Overhaul, where we serve those in poverty.
4 months ago