Part of a Series on Vincentian Heritage Places
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On April 23, 1813, Antoine Frédéric Ozanam was born in Milan, the capital of Lombardy in the Italian peninsula. His family would live there for about 3 more years.
Ozanam did not return to Milan until seventeen years later, when he journeyed to Italy with his parents in 1833 to visit relatives. His brother Alphonse described the effect on his younger sibling [Frederic] of the visit to Milan: “Our brother … was then 20 years of age. His soul was full to overflowing of ardent enthusiasm. He saw the street, San Pietro a L’Orto, where he had been born; the Church, Santa Maria de’ servi, where he had been baptized. Kneeling at the holy font he renewed his baptismal vows and thanked God for having made him His child.”
Note: the church Santa Maria de’ servi was demolished in 1847 to make room for the new church of San Carlo al Corso.
Source: Antoine Frédéric Ozanam by Raymond L. Sickinger, University of Notre Dame Press

Milan, birthplace of Ozanam

View of Milan Cathedral in the 19th century
All Vincentian Places in this Series
Red = Vincent de Paul, Blue = Frederic Ozanam
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