National Moderator of the Vincentian Family in Poland dies unexpectedly on New Year’s Eve

by | Jan 3, 2025 | Congregation of the Mission, News, Vincentian Family | 0 comments

Few hours before the New Year tragic news arrived from Kraków, Poland. On the evening of December 31, provided with the Holy Sacraments, died in the hospital Fr. JERZY GÓRNY, C.M., National Moderator of the Vincentian Family in Poland, lecturer in spirituality and formator in Vincentian seminaries, spiritual director, a devoted confessor to the Daughters of Charity and retreat master. He passed away to the House of the Father at the age of 61, 44 years of vocation and 37 years of priesthood.

Fr. Jerzy was born on July 18, 1963, in Bydgoszcz, northern Poland, on the anniversary of the first apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Sister Catherine Labouré. As a priest, he made numerous visits to the Miraculous Medal Chapel in Paris and other sites associated with the Vincentian Heritage in Paris.  

In the fall of 1982, he entered the Congregation of the Mission’s Polish Province and began his studies in philosophy and theology. Simultaneously he took Internal Seminary (novitiate) formation. His class was on of the most numerous ones in Polish Province at the time. On March 7, 1987, he took the vows, and on May 28, 1988, he was ordained a priest by Archbishop Tadeusz Gocłowski, C.M. of Gdansk. 

His first assignment was the parish of the Our Lady of Lourdes in Krakow where he was a religion teacher and house treasurer. 

In 1994, he was transferred to Krzeszowice. He again became house treasurer and spiritual director in the Internal Seminary (novitiate), which was moved from the Mother House in Krakow to the former house for elderly confreres about 20 miles from downtown Krakow. In 1996 to 2000, he was a spiritual director and lecturer in the Vincentian Theologate at Stradom in Krakow. 

In 2000, he returns to Krzeszowice and would remain there for the rest of his life. Internal Seminary returned to Stradom Mother House, and the community in Krzeszowice was transformed into a Retreat and Recreation Center called “Vincentinum”. He became its first Director ( for 7 years), and two more years he is Superior. In 2018-2023 he becomes the superior of the house again . In 2000-2005 he is part of the popular mission team as retreat master and preacher. 

Since 2003, he has been involved in the development of other Vincentian organizations (branches) revived in independent Poland, especially the Vincentian Marian Youth, the Marian Apostolate (now the Association of the Miraculous Medal) and, above all, the Association of Charity of St. Vincent de Paulo (AIC Poland), of which he has been National Moderator since 2003, very involved in activities. 

When Fr. Robert P. Maloney CM, then the Superior General, began developing the international Vincentian Family as we know it today, the Provincial of Poland appointed Fr. Jerzy Górny as the first National Moderator of the Vincentian Family. The appointment was approved by the Chairman of the Bishops Conference in Poland. 

He regularly organized annual Vincentian Family pilgrimages to Czestochowa and annual retreats. He was very involved in the works of charity by AIC, fundraising efforts and organizing summer camps for poor school children. When the war broke out in Ukraine he traveled with a supply of gifts collected by the Vincentian Family throughout the country. 

His important achievement is his participation in the creation of the Polish edition of the Pierre Coste Collection – Correspondence, Conferences, Documents.” Father George has been the editor of every volume of St. Vincent a Paulo’s writings published to date. On the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the deaths of St. Vincent and St. Louise, he was the originator and editor of another Vincentian publication – Letters of St. Vincent to Poland (a bilingual publication: in French and Polish. There are about 160 original letters St.Vincent sent to Confreres in Warsaw between 1651 and 1660).

Fr. Jerzy Górny CM died suddenly and unexpectedly on December 31, 2024. Fittingly, he passed away on the anniversary of the birth to heaven of St. Catherine Labouré. 

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

O Mary without sin conceived, pray for us who have recourse to you


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