What Should We Do to Attain Joy and Peace?

by | Dec 10, 2024 | Formation, Reflections | 0 comments

Jesus makes known to us his joy and his peace.  Hence, it is enough for us to go to him to get an answer to the question, “What should we do?” We can thus be full of his joy and his peace.

It seems that the one who calls folks to repent and be baptized touches their hearts.  For those who have come ask, “What should we do?”  They want to know what to do in concrete.  Maybe they do not want the fate of the trees that do not yield good fruit to be theirs.  Those who own these trees cut them down and throw them into the fire.

John, in turn, gives concrete answers also.  He tailors his answers to the situations of those whose question is “What should we do?”  He does not give “one-size-fits-all” type answer.  Such an answer often fits no one.  So, John has an answer for the crowds, another for the publicans, and still another for the soldiers.

And what do we say today to those who still go to church?  The Word and the Sacrament still touch their hearts.  They do not seem to ask, “What should we do?”  For their faithful keeping of religious practices shows that they do need not ask such a question.  Still and all, it will do them good if one reminds them about how to honor Christ’s body wholly.  They will thus not become self-absorbed as they do their devotions.

Yes, it is worth it to bear in mind time and again the words of St. John Chrysostom.  He tells us to honor Christ’s body not just in churches but also in the poor.  It is true, then, that we can “leave God for God” (SV.EN IX:252).  And to serve, like Jesus, the poor means to share his joy and peace (SV.EN III:384).  So, while we are in Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist, it is right for us to ask the Vincentian question.  And it has much to do, of course, with “What should we do?”

Lord Jesus, grant us your joy that no one will take away from us. And let us have your peace that is beyond all understanding.  Also, give answer to our question, “What should we do?” We will thus get to preach with you the Good News of life.  A life that is just, caring and fit for God’s sons and daughters.

15 December 2024
3rd Sunday of Advent (C)
Zeph 3, 14-18a; Phil 4, 4-7; Lk 3, 10-18 


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