The Second Vincentian Family Convocation is Just Around the Corner and There is Still Time to Sign Up #famvin2024

by | Oct 26, 2024 | Famvin 2024, News

The Second Convocation of the Vincentian Family, to be held in Rome, November 14-17, which will bring together followers of the Vincentian charism from around the world, will be an opportunity to deepen the mission of serving those most in need… and to do this from the perspective of the charism bequeathed by St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Maillac and their followers. This is an opportunity to reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing the Vincentian Family in the current context, marked by growing social inequality, humanitarian crises and the call of Pope Francis to live a more synodal church, close to the poor and open to dialogue.


Those interested are still in time to register and ensure their participation in this historic convocation. Registration is done through the official website of the event, where you can also find details about the program, plenary sessions and workshops that will be held during the three days.

Attendees will participate in a rich variety of activities, including round table discussions, panel discussions and moments of shared prayer. The event is expected to serve as a springboard for new service initiatives, as well as for strengthening ties between Vincentians from different parts of the world.

A meeting to renew our commitment to the poor

The Second Convocation in Rome is more than just an international gathering: it is an opportunity for members of the Vincentian Family to renew their commitment to the poor and marginalized, following the example of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and all the founders, saints and blessed who followed their charism. In a world increasingly divided and affected by crises, the Vincentian Family seeks to offer concrete responses through organized charity and solidarity action.

The event will also allow participants to reflect on how to more effectively apply the Vincentian charism in their respective local contexts, especially in times of migration, war, conflict and global threats. By working together, Vincentians hope to embody the spirit of the Gospel and bring the love of Christ to those most in need, responding to his call through action.

Don’t be left out!

The convocation is open to all members of the Vincentian Family and supporters of the Vincentian mission who actively participate in the revitalization of the charism in their local communities.

For more information and to register, visit the official website of the convocation. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be part of an event that can transform the way you live your Vincentian service!

  • Date of meeting: November 14-17, 2024
  • Location: Rome, Italy

Click here to access the Convocation website and to register for the event.


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