A Polarized Church both Then and Now
Growing up, I was fascinated by fading pictures meticulously glued into some decades-old family albums. There I saw pictures of my mother and father before I was born.
Growing up, I was fascinated by fading pictures meticulously glued into some decades-old family albums. There I saw pictures of my mother and father before I was born.
Casa Milagrosa offers homeless guests radical hospitality.
The Central America Region is one of the 6 regions that make up the Vincentian Family in Latin America and the Caribbean (FAVILA).
In the 23rd Psalm, the psalmist proclaims, “My shepherd is the Lord.” I imagine that when Jesus prayed these words, he found a depiction of himself.
In 1946, during a train ride from Calcutta to Darjeeling, Mother Teresa received what she called, “the call within a call.” The Lord asked her to begin a new religious community that would live and work with the poorest of the poor.