Acting from Jesus Christ • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

by | Jul 8, 2023 | A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

“Something else to which you must pay very close attention is to be very dependent on the guidance of the Son of God; I mean that, when you have to take action, you should make this reflection: ‘Is this in conformity with the maxims of the Son of God?’ If you see that it is, then say, ‘Fine, let’s do it.’ If it isn’t, then say, ‘I’ll do nothing of the sort. ’ Furthermore, when there’s question of doing some good work, say to the Son of God, ‘Lord, if You were in my place, how would you act on this occasion? How would you instruct these people? How would you console this person sick in mind or body?’” (CDC XI, conference 153).

Vincent de Paul



  1. It is not the first time (nor will be the last) that Mr. Vincent clearly bets by total “submission” to the will or conduct of Jesus Christ. Submission in thinking, submission in acting, submission in creating. A way of thought inherited from the dominant mystique at that time, somewhat far from the “Imitation of Christ” (which was not distant from Mr. Vincent, and to which he clung in other circumstances).
  2. As it is frequent, the “recommendation” is oriented, on this occasion, to “act” (and not so much to “think” or “being”): “to act always dependent on the behavior of the Son of God.” And how to do it? … Asking ourselves permanently if what we are claiming is “according to the maxims of the Son of God.”
  3. It is not made easy by Mr. Vincent, as he simply indicates the final solution: “If you see that it is, then say, ‘Fine, let’s do it;’ If it isn’t, then say, ‘I’ll do nothing of the sort.’” In the end, the responsibility for the decision rests on the person. That this was practiced by the same Vincent is witnessed in his life which, on occasions, led him to delay certain decisions for what he scrupulously applied what he says at the end of the text: “when there’s question of doing some good work, say to the Son of God, ‘Lord, if You were in my place, how would you act on this occasion? When trying to do some new work, tell the Son Of God: “Lord, if you were in this place, what would you do on this occasion? How would you instruct these people? How would you console this person sick in mind or body?’”
  4. Not surprising the final addition, very in line with his catechetical, teacher work: “what would you do on this occasion? How would you instruct these people? How would you console this person sick in mind or body?” Do, instruct, console… three verbs that summarize the activity of Mr. Vincent, very in line with the Mission of the same Son of God. I underline the first of the actions “what would you do on this occasion?” because the circumstance (“this occasion”) becomes a key element in acting. The nuance obliges, in each case, to analyze the situation thoroughly, making it possible in some cases to accept one work and in others not. The example of his foundations supports this.

Questions for dialogue:

  1. Where do we have our starting points in acting?
  2. What does it mean for a community to “feel dependent upon the conduct of the Son of God?”
  3. To what extent do our works reflect the will of God?
  4. Do we show the same patience, in our works, at the beginning and the end?
  5. What criteria do we use when beginning a work?

Mitxel Olabuenaga, C.M.
