Sister Dianne Moore and Seton Associate Dawn Colapietro have ministered to the poor people in a Haitian village for years. Nadia and Raoul, a couple they met, was facing a challenge as Nadia was diagnosed with cancer.
On Wednesday, December 15th, Nadia and Raoul arrived from Haiti. They came to the United States so that Nadia could receive cancer treatments unavailable in Haiti. Sisters, Seton Associates and employees gathered at the Motherhouse to give Nadia and Raoul their blessings before their first visit to the hospital.
A Haitian family offered to provide hospitality to Nadia and Raoul. The house, which is lovely, is in a great neighborhood and only a mile from the hospital. They are excited about having Nadia and Raoul join their family; they hope to share meals and go to church together.
Source: Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth Facebook