Lenten Reflection: Resurrection Faith

by | Mar 3, 2017 | Formation, Reflections

During Lent we orient ourselves toward Jerusalem/Calvary, where we’ll follow Jesus through the last week of his life.

This Slideshare, based on one of the Lenten letters of Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M., invites each of us to ponder our own life and death.

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St. Vincent’s correspondence says a lot about being vigilant and ready for our own death. For example:

Take my word for it, Monsieur, do not listen to nature; for it will furnish you with ample motives to do as you please and put you on the path to perdition. Think, however, about death, which is near– perhaps even nearer than you imagine– and about the terrible judgment of God, when your words and actions will be weighed on the scales of the sanctuary.”
[SV VII, 333: To Etienne Bienvenu (confrere requesting dispensation from his vows) 26 October, 1658]

All those who love the poor in life will have nothing to fear from death.” (SV XII, 391)