Ukraine Vincentian Family (2) - 11th Assembly of AIC

John Freund, CM
February 13, 2015

Ukraine Vincentian Family (2) – 11th Assembly of AIC

by | Feb 13, 2015 | International Association of Charities - Ladies of Charity, Vincentian Family

AIC Kyiv 2014 (64)The 11th nationwide meeting of the AIC Ukraine took place on December 13, 2014, in Kyiv, at Bozhyi Dar house of St. Vincent de Paul Missionary Fathers (CM).

We were 28 members in attendance as well as  Fathers and a Sister. Delegates came from Kharkiv, Bukovyna, Zakarpattia region and Brody. The whole meeting flew in one breath. One could feel the unity and maturity of all participants. A lot of them have already known each other for many years and are like one family.

To our great joy, Provincial Father Tomaz Mavric CM was present among us all along the meeting participating in discussions. It was a great sign of cooperation and spiritual care of the Missionary Fathers (CM) present in our organization as well as a tremendous support provided by them. We were blessed by the presence of directors of all four groups active in Ukraine – Fr. Yan, Fr. Mykola, Fr. Yurii and Fr. Yaroslav.

The meeting began with the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Tomazh. Then we proceeded to working issues. We had a chance to share and tell each other about our daily work during the previous year, to listen to the Word of God and to a report on the importance of spiritual directors in our group and their role as well as on existing challenges in a group and ways of solving them. Suggestions concerning the form of festivities dedicated to AIC’s 400th anniversary in 2017 were also discussed.

The most important and culmination point was the expression of readiness and welcoming od two groups still at their formation stage coming from Perechyn (Zakarpattia region) and Brody (Lviv region) as full-fledged group members of the AIC Ukraine. I would like to make a point here about our organization’s especial fruitfulness in Ukraine, because the Brody group represents our volunteers of the Greek Catholic Church.

It was highly pleasing that what St. Vincent staarted 400 years ago in France still lives on and is being developed here, in our country, in Ukraine.



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