scn_avatarAccording to the their website… Blueprints for the Bluegrass Pipeline runs through Nelson County and near Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, a 300-acre campus home to more than 100 sisters.

Their names are among 5,252 signatures included in a petition against a proposed natural gas liquids pipeline that would run through Kentucky. Opponents delivered the petition to Gov. Steve Beshear’s office Wednesday, urging him to add the issue to the agenda of an upcoming special legislative session.
“It’s important. The issue should be taken up and there should be clarity on eminent domain,” Sister Teresa Kotturan said.
Kotturan and other petitioners specifically asked for changes to state law that would give a state board the power to review any natural gas liquids pipeline and only allow the use of eminent domain for a pipeline if it’s regulated as a public utility by the Public Service Commission.
However, Bluegrass Pipeline personnel said eminent domain “is an absolute last resort,” according to spokesperson Tom Droege.


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