• A network of people, supported and connected by websites, including this one, for news, reference materials, formation materials and a variety of social networks.
  • The Vincentian Family — connecting, collaborating and evangelizing: a living, growing community of more than 2 million people seeking to follow Christ, the evangelizer of the poor in the model presented by the life of Vincent de Paul and his collaborator, Louise de Marillac.


We come from all walks of life: we are ordained priests, vowed religious (brothers and sisters) and by number, we are overwhelmingly lay people called to this way of life. More details on the major branches of the Vincentian Family and the international efforts of the Vincentian Family Office can be found here.

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Heroes and Heroines

We are a global network of “families-within-the-family” founded by some of the most inventive, creative and holy persons to have lived. Our founders and foundresses are really our heroes and heroines. Learn more about them and become like them, by the grace of God!

Legal Stuff

You can share anything you find on this site. Just take your time to understand the copyrights related to a creative commons license, and always respect the copyrights of others. When you use an article or resource from the .famvin network, always give the proper attribution.

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we are a 501(c)(3) organization. however, we are totally dependent on Vincentian Family members and foundations
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This site and the entire .famvin digital network will keep you up to date on news and events for FAMVIN (The Worldwide Vincentian Family). Visit Formation if you want to learn about collaboration for systemic change and Vinformation if you are seeking resources as you grow in your Christian life, in particular as a Vincentian, or about the Family in general. And join us on Facebook, Twitter and a host of other social media by clicking one of the icons at the bottom of the page. We help each other to see Christ in the eyes and the scarred faces of the least among us – those on the margins of society, to live better Jesus’ words “whatever you do to least of my people, that you do unto Me.” Come and see the works we do.

  • Share this journey and follow this site for news of what we are doing
  • Make it possible for us to do the works we do
  • Collaborate with us in a variety of ways