Betty Ann McNeil, DC

From VincentWiki

A collection of links to the writings of Sr. Betty Ann McNeil, DC.


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Book, Monographs

  • The Vincentian Family Tree A Genealogical Study. Monograph 1. (Vincentian Studies Institute: Chicago, 1996).
  • The Mountain and Valley of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (Daughters of Charity: Emmitsburg, MD, 1999).
  • 15 Days of Prayer with Elizabeth Seton (Liguori Publications: Liguori,MO, 2002).
  • The Charity of Christ Urges Us. The Spirituality of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac from an East-West Perspective. Twelve lectures by Betty Ann McNeil, D.C., in 1999. Translated into Korean by Sung-Hae Kim, S.C. with Introduction and Conclusion. Bilingual. (Seoul, Korea: SCSH Spiritual Life Publications, 2007).
  • Enlightened Charity: The Holistic Nursing Care, Education, and Advices Concerning the Sick of Sister Matilda Coskery (1799 – 1870), Martha Libster PhD, RN, CNS and Sister Betty Ann McNeil, D.C., (Golden Apple Publications, 2009)
  • Annabelle M. Melville, ed. by Betty Ann McNeil, D.C., Elizabeth Bayley Seton 1774-1821, (Hanover Pennsylvania: The Sheridan Press, 2009).
  • Light & Grace, Elizabeth Seton on Life, Faith, and Eternity. Daily Reflections, (Daughters of Charity, 2009).


  • "Elizabeth Seton--Mission of Education: Faith and Willingness to Risk," 17, Vincentian Heritage 3(1996), 185-200.
  • "Tracing the Vincentian Family Tree," Review for Religious 56, 5(1997):478-490.
  • "Journal of Mother Rose White," Vincentian Heritage 18, 1 (1997):19-56.
  • "Sulpicians and Sisters of Charity, Concentric Circles of Mission,"Vincentian Heritage 20, 1 (1999).
  • "Understanding Hearts--Elizabeth Seton and Louise de Marillac," Vincentian Heritage 20, 2 (1999).
  • "The Only Hope of Louise de Marillac," Soul Magazine (March 1999).
  • "Flames of Love--Louise de Marillac and Elizabeth Ann Seton," Vincentian Heritage 21, 1 (2000).
  • "The Company of the Daughters of Charity in the United States, 150th Anniversary," Echoes of the Company of the Daughters of Charity, no. 5 (Daughters of Charity: Paris, France, May 2000).
  • "Citizen of the World: Elizabeth Bayley Seton--A Woman of Mission," Echoes of the Company of the Daughters of Charity, no. 9-10 (Daughters of Charity: Paris, France, September-October 2000).
  • "The Seton Legacy: Elizabeth Bayley Seton--A Woman of Mission," Echoes of the Company of the Daughters of Charity, no. 11 (Daughters of Charity: Paris, France, November 2000).
  • "Seton Spirituality: Elizabeth Bayley Seton--A Woman of Mission," Echoes of the Company of the Daughters of Charity, no. 1 (Daughters of Charity: Paris, France, January 2001).
  • Anne Higgins, D.C., and Betty Ann McNeil, D.C., "Louise de Marillac and Elizabeth Seton: Women of Spirit" Review for Religious 61, 3(2002):252-264.
  • "Elizabeth Bayley Seton," Berard L. Marthaler, OFMConv., ed., New Catholic Encyclopedia (Catholic University of America Press and The Gale Group: Washington, D.C., 2002), 13:30.
  • "The Sisters of Charity Federation in the Vincentian and Setonian Tradition," Berard L. Marthaler, OFMConv., ed., New Catholic Encyclopedia (Catholic University of America Press and The Gale Group: Washington, D.C., 2002), 13:172.
  • “Historical Perspectives on Elizabeth Seton and Education: School is My Chief Business,” A Journal of Catholic Education Theory and Practice 9,#3 (March 2006), 284-306.
  • “Memoirs of the Daughters of Charity as Civil War Nurses--Maryland, 1862,” published in

Mid-Maryland History: Conflict, Growth and Change, Barbara M. Powell, ed., (The History Press, 2008).

External Links

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