Ross Dizon

Obsess about Having Money and Security

Jesus teaches by word and deed that we cannot serve God and money.  Hence, to obsess about making money is to reject his teaching. The man who draws to Jesus seems to obsess about being saved.  For he runs up to him and quickly kneels down.  Of course, he also...

Delight Others, and Not Ourselves

The wisdom of God made flesh dwells with us.  He is delighted to be with us.  But he wants, first of all, to delight us. The scribes and the Pharisees time and again test Jesus.  At best, they seek to connect with him.  At worse, they set a snare for his steps.  But...

Constitutive, Indispensable, Crucial

Jesus is constitutive of the Christian community.  Do we say and live this as St. Vincent? Moises makes clear what truly matters.  Jesus does so too.  For the two of them, it is not about us.  Or the group that we make up, chosen and gifted so as to serve others. ...

Zealous for the House, the Kingdom, of God

Jesus burns with zeal for the house, for the kingdom, of God.  Needless to say, the disciples are to be as zealous as their Teacher. John and Joshua show that they are zealous.  John’s zeal is for those to whom Jesus has given the power to drive out demons.  And...
Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Repent and Believe in the Gospel

Jesus, though without sin, embodies what it means to repent.  He calls us to preach repentance and become the visible and effective sign of what we preach. Jesus begins his public ministry, proclaiming:  “The kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent and believe in the...

Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Wanted Very Urgently Indeed: Prophets

Jesus is the definitive answer to the prayers of those who bemoan that there are no prophets.  That is how wanted prophets are. That prophets are that wanted is clear in the lament, “Now we see no signs, we have no prophets.”  We read something like it in Lam 2, 9. ...

Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Sensitivity of Faith in the Face of Death

Jesus wants to bring light to those who live in the shadow of death. If we just have faith and Jesus’ sensitivity, his wish for us will come true. Neighbors and relatives rejoiced with Elizabeth. But they did not really experience her sensitivity to the merciful God....

Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Sowers of the Seed of the Kingdom of God

Jesus is the Sower of the seed of the kingdom of God.  This Teacher wants his disciples to imitate him and be sowers who put their trust in God and are persevering. Our own failures and opposition from people can easily discourage us and make us tire of doing good. ...

Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Fulfillment of Jesus Christ to the End

Jesus brings fulfillment to the law and the prophets.  Accordingly, he gives to the Passover meal its full meaning.  To take part in the Eucharist is to share in the fullness of Christ. Jesus and his disciples are pilgrims in Jerusalem.  And they celebrate there the...

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